This is my out of game blog. Yes, I know that it uses my in game handle, but just pretend I'm doing this to convince people my relationship with the Slender Man is fake, if that helps you not sleep at night. This blog will basiclly just be used to handle any updates or announcments I need to make about my projects that I can't make in my projects, most notably: New Designs, which is likely to need to most OOG updates because of it's excessively chaotic nature.
One that note, I have an anoucment to make regarding New Designs. The posting for this first bit isn't going to be as fast as I had hoped. The main reason for this is that my computer broke down, and I'm paying Best Buy the unholy sum of $100 to fix a stupid cooling fan. This may take up to a week, so I'm slowing down my update schedual for the first week. The first post will still be out tomarrow, and I already have a few more made out, but I can't do creative writing on my iPad, so you might not see the second post for a few days (it was initially going to be posted later that day, and the third would be two days later, to get into the story quickly). Hopefully this won't be too big of a deal, I just don't want to run out of material before I get my computer back. As always I'm willing to listen to any concerns or answer any questions about any of my projects, so comment, e-mail me, or post on unfiction or Slender Nation, and I'll see it. I'm sorry about this, guys, I hope you'll bare with me through this slightly slower start.
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